Saturday, April 10, 2010

How To Activate IPhone 4.0 Firmware Beta With UDID

Activating the firmware is equivalent of to getting the UDID of your device registered in the iPhone developer program so you are legally able to test the new firmware on your device without any syncing problems with iTunes.

Register the Unique Device ID (UDID)

Now you won't be able to do this unless you have a iPhone developer account yourself which costs $100 a year; or have a friend who is enrolled into the program and willing to do the favor. But we here are giving you a chance to get this for free. Here is what you have to do:

Connect your device (iPhone or iPod Touch) to the computer.
Open iTunes and click on the Summary for the device.
Hover the mouse over to where it says 'Serial Number' and click on it such that to make it toggle into Unique Device ID (UDID).
Note down the UDID very carefully; better write it down somewhere.
Head over to this form, enter the details and wait for a couple of hours.
Comment on this post and tell us which one of the 7 tentpole features for iPhone OS 4.0 is your favorite.
That's it! Carefully follow the steps above and your Unique Device ID will be registered.

Important: This is a first-come-first-serve offer so make sure to follow the steps accordingly. Those who fill up the form but do not leave a comment as mentioned would not be entertained. Oh and please use the same name/email in the comment and activation form


Anonymous said...

I mostly like the multifunction :)

Unknown said...

I love the folders a lot! ;-)

GoldenHunter said...

I really want to test the CardDAV and CalDAV invite features. Hope it works great!

Pieter said...

I'm interested in the multitasking side of things.

Anonymous said...

The Feature i'm most looking foward to, like most people, is the multitasking. It has been missning and needed for a looong time. :D

tommy_marion said...

im looking forward to the folders, because i guess backgrounding wont work on 3G

Unknown said...

The FOLDERS! Awesome, and the Extended support for Exchange is great for business! It is clear that Apple want this to be used as a business tool!

AndrewNL said...

I like the personal background the most. I was getting really bored with the plain black one.

Unknown said...

I am having fun with this, i found few bugs... so far
folder content gets back to NORMAL icons after second sync Apple need to fix few things...thats sure

FRod said...

I like the multitasking and folders. Custom wallpaper is also nice. Multiple Exchange accounts is also a nice feature.

Unknown said...

I really want multitasking, and very interested in added data security

Ronnie said...


Ronnie said...

love love love multitasking

tommy_marion said...

has anyone else confirmed this, and actually had their udid registered?

I forgot about the wallpaper, but apparently that wont be available for the 3g either...

Patrick said...

Love Multitasking !

Mortimer said...

I like the multitasking function
the other functions are great too :-)

Stephan Cassara said...

Looking forward to multitask

Kiran said...

Multitasking for me!!!

Unknown said...

Multitasking and folders. Really just wanna see what the iPhone can really do.

Stephan Cassara said...

Is there any confirmation? Haven't heard anything back yet... Or did you just need my UDID for some master plan?

Kiran said...

I agree it's been more than 10 hrs and no news of confirmation.

Unknown said...

Multitasking i would say.

Unknown said...

I like the INbox folders and the Multifuction. But still have to test it .. Sam

Unknown said...

I am going to upgrade just because of multitasking.. :))

Master1 said...

Hope os 4 is as good as they say

Unknown said...

obviously, the best "new" feature is the "pause/resume" guy.... i mean....the "multitasking" :D

Srini said...

Multitasking.. Now that they are at beta 3, it's time to give it a try.

Unknown said...

Multitasking of course... though that is already available on a jail-broken iphone

E. Thompson said...

I am looking forward to folders, I have a ton of apps and no room.

kucukayi said...

Multitasking and folders. Really just wanna see what the iPhone can really do.

rawfish said...

folders is the update I look forward to most - need to organize those apps................